Hmm, I feel a bit like i”m in a chapter from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy..
Obviously the product that i”m doing will require a label.. and to make sure I don”t fall foul of the law I want the label to have the correct required information..
However, call the Trading Standards Government number, and they tell you to call your local council. Yes apparently the local council deal with things like this, and no it”s not the council where you make your product, or even where you sell your product, but its the council where you live.
You call the council and they say you need to look at the actual law regulations.. they can only give general information about what you should put on… However if you get the information wrong then they will be the ones that sue you for getting it wrong! But of course they won”t tell you how to get it right!?
They do recommend another private company that can tell me what I should put on the label, and they will confirm that it”s right, however they will charge me 100 pounds for that privilege.. hmm.. Something smells fishy here, and it”s not just the fish in my freezer.